MLIS-01,Assignment Examination 2024 Suggestive Assignment examination Question-2024,Paper-01,Netaji Subhash Open University,Kolkata


PG Course


1st Paper



  • ‘Law of Scattering' was published in the year
  • Who emphasized the idea: information and human communication is to be studied in terms of social objectives?
  • Who stated: "Who says what, in which channel, to whom, and with what effect"?
  • In 'library' four types of noise of communication are Mathematical theory of information was proposed by
  • In which year Samuel Clement Bradford formulated law?
  • Four epistemological schools are:
  • Most relevant classification related to library and information science was devised by
  • WIPO stands for
  • Right to Information Bill was enacted in India in the year:
  • Which of the following is not a method of representing data?
  • Early humans carved symbols on the walls of caves during:
  • Kinesics Communication is related to
  • Which among the following is not a mode dissemination of information from libraries?
  • Philosopher Locke was born in the year:
  • Sociology of knowledge deals with:
  • Which one is not related to patent?
  • Explicit knowledge is:
  • Promotion of information products may be done through:
  • UNESCO defines data as: 
  • Pia diagram uses:
  • The article 'As we may think' was written by:
  • KWIC indexing was invented by:
  • How many areas of concerns of information science?
  • In which year first daily newspaper was brought out in New York:
  • Osgood's model was based on:
  • Who proposed: Communication has no clear beginning and no clear end?
  • In Latin 'a priori' means
  • 'Index Translationum' is published by:
  • Who proposed the 'semantic theory of information'?
  • Entropy means:
  • TDF stands for
  • The term 'White collar society' was coined by:
  • Aristotle's model of communication consists of flowing elements:
  • In 'library' four types of noise of communication are:
  • Copyright Act in India came into force in the year:
  • Which among the following is not the criteria of an 'information society'?
  • Strike out the false one in relation to Patent
  • Which among the following is not related to 'cost of information product'?
  • Haptics Communication is related to
  • Full form of WIPO is:
  • Strike out the wrong one in relation to 'economic character of information
  • Olaisen has described five types of pricing models in a nonprofit organization. These are:
  • Promotion of information products may be done through:
  • Most relevant classification related to library and information science was devised by:
  • Strike the write one in relation to Sociology of knowledge:
  • "Who says what, in which channel, to whom, and with what effect" is proposed by:
  • Which of the following is the right one in terms of 'characteristics of information'?
  • In which year India introduces 'Right to Information Bill':

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