MLIS-01,NSOU MLIS Final Examination 2024 Suggestive Term end examination Question-2024,Paper-01


PG Course


1st Paper



  • Discuss 'Right to Information Bill' India.
  • How data can be represented diagrammatically? Discuss.
  • Discuss history of human communication.
  • State your idea on 'Non-verbal Communication'.
  • What is meant by 'information dissemination'? Discuss.
  • Mention names of few eminent personalities who contributed in theories of knowledge.
  • Discuss their contributions in brief.
  • State your idea on 'sociology of knowledge'.
  • What is a 'patent' ? State your idea on it.
  • Define 'knowledge management'. Discuss its features.
  • Discuss 'Marketing of information products'.
  • Indian copyright act came into force in the year:
  • The four interaction methods envisage a dynamic process in which tacit and explicit knowledge are exchanged, transformed and converted, are
  • Four main activities of 'knowledge managers' are:
  • National Knowledge Commission, India was set up in the year:
  • Which among the following is not the criteria of an 'information society'?
  • Which facility does the librarian not extend towards users in information society?
  • Which among the following is not an economic character of information?
  • Which among the following is not related to 'cost of information product'?
  • Olaisen has described five types of pricing models in a nonprofit organization. These are:
  • Based on 'scale of measurement' scientific data are of following types:
  • Following are the characteristics of information:
  • State your idea on 'Copyright Act in India.
  • National Knowledge Commission, India — discuss its various features.
  • What is meant by 'knowledge conversion'?? Discuss.
  • What is the role of 'knowledge manager'? Elucidate.
  • State your idea on 'Information Society'.
  • Discuss your ideas on the role of libraries in developing 'information society'. 
  • What do you mean by 'economic characteristics of information?? Elucidate.
  • State your idea on 'cost of information product'.
  • State your idea on 'pricing of information product'.
  • Discuss categories of 'scientific data'.
  • State your idea of ‘characteristics of information
  • Discuss few 'landmarks of 'information science'.
  • How 'information science' is related to other subjects? Discuss What do you understand by 'communication model"?
  • State your idea on 'Noise on communication"
  • Discuss 'information theories' from communication aspects. Discuss 'information theories' from commodity aspects.
  • What is meant by 'theories of knowledge'? Discuss.
  • Explain the term 'Knowledge Classification'
  • What is meant by IPR? Discuss its features.

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