WBSSC Librarian Syllabus || WBSSC লাইব্রেরিয়ান সিলেবাস ডাউনলোড


WBSSC Librarian Syllabus || WBSSC লাইব্রেরিয়ান সিলেবাস ডাউনলোড

Written Examination: Library & Information Science

Unit I: Library, Information & Society

Library as a Social Institution, Library movement, Role of Libraries in formal and informal Education; Types of Libraries: National, Public, Academic & Special; Laws of Library Science; Information Society: Its evolution and implications; Freedom of access to information: Intellectual property rights, copyright, censorship; Extension & Community Information Services; Library Legislation in India; Professional Associations: Roles and Activities

Unit II: Library Management

Library Planning; Collection Management: Document Selection, Ordering, Processing & Weeding Library Committee: Library Rules and Regulations; Human Resource Management; Office Management; Financial Management: Budget and Budgetary Control; Library Statistics and Annual Report; Library Standards; Library Maintenances: Shelving, Stock Verification & Conservation.

Unit III: Knowledge Organization and Information Processing: Library

Classification Library Cataloguing Classification: Its Nature, Purpose and Function; Knowledge Classification and Document Classification; Subjects and their formation: Universe of Subjects, Modes of formation of Subjects etc.; General Theory of Classification: Normative Principles and their Application, Standard Schemes of Library Classification; Trends in Library Classification; Library Cataloguing: Canons, and Principles- Types, Purpose and their Physical forms; Different Kinds of Entries and rules for Filling Entries; Principles of Subject Cataloguing: Assigning Subjects Headings using Library of Congress Subject- Headings & Sear’s List of Subject Headings etc.; Cataloguing Standards: ISBD, ISBN, ISSN, Computerized Cataloguing- MARC, UNIMARC, CCF; Recent trends in Cataloguing.

Unit IV: Information Sources, Services and Systems

Reference and Information Sources: Documentary, non- documentary sources-Evaluation of reference sources; Users of Information: Types, Character tics, need and study of users; Organization of Information: Abstracting and Abstracts Indexing Languages; Information Centers: Different levels of Information Centers (International, National, Regional & Local); Information Systems: Structure and Services of Information Systems; Library as an Information System; Information Services: Need and Types of Reference, Documentation & Information Services.

Unit V: Basics of Computers Application in Libraries

Components of Computer System; Generation and Types of Computers; Hardware and Software; Deta Storage Media; Operating System and their Types; DOS and Windows; File Creation; Application Software; Computer Networking; Library and Information Networks.

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