MLIS-04,NSOU MLIS Final Examination 2024 Suggestive Term end examination Question-2024,Paper-04


PG Course

Master of Library & Information Science

Paper-IV (New/Old)

Information Institutions, Products and Services: MLIS-IV (NEW/OLD)

  • State your idea on 'OCLC'.
  • Give a brief account on 'online information systems and networks in India'. Discuss different types of data.
  • Discuss 'data organization' for an organization.
  • Briefly state your idea on 'Data Centre'.
  • What is 'information resource'? Discuss.
  • State your idea on 'Technical Report Number'.
  • Discuss characteristics of 'Trade Catalogue'.
  • State your idea on acquisition and control of trade catalogues. State the characteristics of 'database'.
  • Discuss role of database intermediaries.
  • What is online service suppliers? Discuss.
  • State your idea on INFLIBNET.
  • State your idea on 'information broker'.
  • Discuss different activities of 'Information institutions'
  • Mention different categories of information institutions, discuss any one of them. What is meant by 'referral centres'? Discuss.
  • Discuss 'Invisible College'.
  • Discuss features of any one of the International Information Centres. Discuss features of any one of the National Information Centres.
  • Discuss organization of a 'Data Center'.
  • State your idea on 'Committee On Data for Science and Technology'. Discuss work procedure of a 'referral center'.
  • State your idea on 'literature searching in library & information science'. Mention few ‘Document Delivery' agencies and discuss any one of them. What is meant by 'House Journal'? Discuss its features.
  • State your idea about 'Clearing House'.
  • What is 'Trade Catalogue'? Discuss.
  • State your idea on databases available in India.
  • What is 'online services'? Discuss its functions.

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