MLIS-05,NSOU MLIS Final Examination 2024 Suggestive Term end examination Question-2024,Paper-05


PG Course

Master of Library & Information Science

Paper-V (New/Old)

Management of Library and Information Centres: MLIS-V (NEW/OLD)

  • Define Library Budget. Discuss the different methods of preparation of library budget.
  • Define Job Description. State the model of Job description with an example.
  • What is induction and orientation? What advantage does it serves ?
  • Define the term: a) Professional staff, b) Semi professional staff c) Supporting staff
  • What is performance evaluation system? What are it's key elements?
  • Discuss the changing role of Librarian as an information provider? Distinguish between Time and Motion study.
  • Are collection development and collection maintenance are synomeous term?
  • Define the term "Selection". What different procedure a Library should adopt for selection of candidate in the department?
  • What are the essential source of finance in a college libraries and public libraries? What is collection maintenance? How will you perform the work of collection maintenance in the library?
  • Define the term: A) Staffing, B) Reporting C) Coordinating D) Directing
  • What are different types of resources that are used in libraries ?
  • What is per capita methods and method of details?
  • In which of the following places accession number and class number should be recorded in a document?
  • What is authority file? What purpose does it serve?
  • Design the General structure of Library rules and regulations with an example.
  • Define the terms: Compact storage & Bracket shelving.
  • Define Line function.What jobs a technical department should perform? State with examples.
  • Define Management. Distinguish between Administration and Management.
  • Discuss the principles of Management as uttered by Henry Fayol.
  • What do you mean by scientific management? Do you think that principles of scientific management should be followed in Library environment?
  • What role a library manager has to perform as discussed by H.Mintzberg?
  • Define the term Planning. Discuss the essential criteria of Planning.
  • Define library statistics. What are the importance of Library statistics?
  • Suppose you are appointed as a Librarian in your institution, what essential rules
  • would you design for smooth function and working of your library?
  • What is Annual report ? What are the contents of annual report?
  • What are the different departments a library should have?
  • State different activates a stack department should perform.

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